
Natalya Vienna

This is my co-worker Casey's daughter in the purple hat I made especially for her. Isn't she precious? And I'm almost certain that mischevious look in her eye comes straight from her Daddy.

Thanks for the photo, Casey!





School is taking more out of me than I initially anticipated, largely due to the fact that there are only 24 hours in a day, and approximately 18 are already taken up by work and sleep. Another 4-5 are occupied with all things Elena. Which leaves me about an hour to cram in some schoolwork at the tail end of my exhausting day. I am assigned about 2 hours of work a night. How's that for math, Obama!? Can I get a homework bailout??

Okay, okay, that was a cheap shot, and probably uncalled for. But I'm tired.

That's about all I have time to say.

Off to bed I go....



Just Call Me "Jordan."

Our future basketball star.  Except that she's going to be short just like her momma.
She doesn't know that yet.



Logan came over today to play with Elena and Belle, and he had a lot of fun on the "new" playset. I enjoyed getting some shots of him having fun. He photographs well -- and loves to ham it up when Auntie asks him to smile....


Outdoor Fun

We've had some fun playing outside recently.  Here are some photos to prove it. 

Oh, and I got a MacBook!! I hope that means that you'll get more blogs, more often.
