
Cooper's Flock

I stumbled across this blog today, and really, really wanted to be a part of this woman's project. It is a tribute to her little boy, Cooper, who died after only 21 days on this earth, and I'm truly touched by what she is doing to honor his memory. I'm especially touched because my grandmother Helen -- the only Grandmother that I ever knew --loved birds. It's been nearly 9 years since she passed and every time I see a cardinal, I know that she is with me still. And every time I think of her, a smile creeps across my face and my eyes fill with tears at the love I have for her, and the profound loss that still lingers in my heart. I can only imagine the burden of grief Lucinda will carry with her throughout the remainder of her journey on earth, but I know that these birds will help her through it. That they will help her to smile every time she sees a knit dangling from a Christmas tree, or hospital window, or yarn store counter. Because of these birds she will know that her little boy had a part in so many lives -- that she gave him the greatest legacy a mother can. Lucinda, if you happen upon this, please know that you've touched my heart, and inspired me more than I can express.

I will be making as many birds as I can and I plan to give all but one to Lucinda for her Cooper's Flock project. I'm going to keep a red bird for myself -- in honor of her dear sweet boy, and in loving memory of my grandmother Helen. "Cooper's Cardinal" will help me to remember my grandmother, and will be a constant reminder that a life - no matter how small - has the remarkable ability to change us all for the better.

I've sent an email to the blog author for the pattern, and will glady share it with all who ask. I wanted to post the info here as well so that those of you who knit can join in, too, if you wish.

Love to All

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