
luc ends

You all know how much I adore Lucinda.
And I adore her handcrafted bags equally as much.

Recently I won a contest over on her site.
And I never win contests.


As my prize, she said she'd make me a wristlet.
Something I'd been bugging her about for quite some time.

Instead of one, I got TWO.
Because Luc is just that amazing.

The first was her "trial run."
And it happens to be my favorite Echino print from this collection.

The second
is another of my favorite prints
in my signature color.
They are the perfect size for a wallet
cell phone
and a few sticks of Stila gloss.
In case you can't decide which color to wear.

Or in case you're like me
and you blend a couple together.

Lucinda is truly talented.
Head on over to her shop to check out more of her goodies.

Rumor has it
she'll be filling it up with wristlets soon.
But if you're like me,
and have zero patience,
and you'd like one
feel free to send her a message.

I'm sure she'd be happy to get one to you.


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