Photoshop scares me.
But if I want to be a serious photographer
I have to learn how to use it.
At least a little.
So yesterday I played around with two images.
They go together, but are not the same.
This, I learned, is called Diptych.
Here is my attempt.
Complete with my very own signature.
I'm big time, now, folks.
(P.S. I used PW 's "Sunshine" action on these photos at 27% opacity. For those of you who understand CS3, you'll know what that means. )
If you want to practice those, I would love one of a few photos you took of Helen at my mom's last summer, like the one of her going down the slide with Lucky and a close up. I'd print it, frame it, and put it on my wall! I've got all kinds of ideas for projects you can do for me...I think they call this outsourcing. :-) Need any organizations fixed? That seems to be my only skill. :-)